
Irene C.

Existing in a society that has little to no understanding of neurodiversity can have lasting impacts on your cognition and behavior patterns. And what are humans but a series of intention and action? Everything about our lives revolve around these two very fundamental factors. So what happens when you’ve been encouraged or maybe even forced into molding your unconscious behaviors to be completely unsuitable for what your inherent needs are? If neurodivergents don’t actively reshape their inner world and learn the tools that caters to them, they will continue to live through the debilitating cycles of burnouts, shutdown, and meltdowns. You have the power to break this cycle.

Irene is a first generation Taiwanese American born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. She followed her soul calling to help people reach their full potential in their own self-understanding and growth. Through Self Embark Irene can integrate her own experiences as a late-diagnosed neurodivergent woman with her knowledge of behavioral intervention and behavioral analysis to help those looking for guidance on ways they can empower themselves through action-based healing. As a woman with AuDHD she strives to be as inclusive of neurodivergent individuals as possible and looks forward to working with neurodivergent people on finding and embodying their own unique superpowers.

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